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How do we prepare
for each trip &
what gear do we carry?

To find out more click on the links below:


The Averatec laptop we used for the Alaska Trip, Middle East Trip and Eastern Europe Trip did work excellent. It has been through a lot and it shows.  For the Africa Trip we upgraded to the Panasonic Toughbook Y5 with an additional 120GB external harddrive. As technology advance we yet again upgraded to the newest Panasonic Toughbook F8 with an additional 500GB external harddrive.

Current Laptop:

Bought December 2009 from London Drugs.  Cost $2349.00CDN.
Model: Panasonic Toughbook CFF8GWEZZJM
Weight: 3.7lbs


Bought December 2009 from London Drugs.  Cost $219.00CDN.
Model: LaCie Rugged Hard Disk, Design by Neil Poulton

Previous Laptop:

Bought May 2007 from London Drugs.  Cost $2499.99CDN
Model: Panasonic Toughbook Y5
Weight: 3.7lbs

Toughbook Y5

Bought June 2005 from Future Shop. Cost $1,800.00CDN
Model: Averatec
Weight: 4.5lbs

Averatec 3300 Series


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